Our human resources policy stipulates to employ qualified human power in direction of company's target and strategies, to form an effective and motivated organization by proactive human resources applications, to support personal development by continual trainings and to give way to our company to be a business making difference in the sector.

Choosing and Recruitment
Choosing defined human resources in direction of company's work plans is done by way of job applications made directly, advisor firms and newspaper advertisements. Canditates for some positions are subjected to psycometric testes.

Orientation Program
Orientation program is apllied in order to adapt the newly recruited personnel to job and to make them acquaintance with company's culture, organizational and operational structure in shortest time.

Performance Assessment
In every end of years employers working with Individual Performance Assessment System defines the next year personal development plan and forms the work targets of next year. The results of this assessment reflects in waging defining, career and training planning.